Pick a Lucky Charm. No, really.

Lucky Charms help remind us how lucky we are!

Do you have a lucky shirt? Tie? Something? You should. And here’s why: it’ll make you more lucky!

How do I know? Because remember the first rule of LuckySTan is the kind of the opposite of the first rule of Fight Club: there is luck.

Think of it as a magic token. Think of it as the placebo effect. (Did you know that the placebo effect even works on dogs, by the way?) But pick a lucky charm. Something small that you can easily carry with you and every time you see or think of it, remember to tell yourself something like: “I’m so lucky and get more lucky every day!”

Make it a super lucky week, LuckyStanis!


If you know someone else who would like to boost their luck, please forward this email to them!

We Stan (Support) Luck! We are lucky! Boost your luck with every email with LuckyStan™!


PS: Helping us on our mission to make you and the world luckier makes you luckier… and vice versa ;)